rust around a rear keyhole. Any DIY dealt with this?

Hi guys, Im looking for hints on repairing the rust spot thats formed around my keyhole. Its not too bad yet, but its gotten worse in the year Ive owned the car, and the whole panel has faded a bit so I figure its time for repair. Should I just pop the lock assembly out, then grind and patch from there, or is there another way. I’m okay at doing body work, and my last two dent repairs turned out well, so Im up for this one. Any thoughts would be great. Ryan

you can easily remove that panel. I think its like four bolts behind the rear interior panels. you dont need to pop your cylinder out, it stays in place. then sand the areas, prime, paint and re-install. if you wanted to get a little custom you could shave the hole and remove the lock cylinder. good luck.

I had the same thing happen with my car. I did what ransom said only add a couple of steps. After grinding away the loose scaleing and have shiney metal use a product called Rust Mort on it. Be careful with it because it is an acid so you will need some gloves but it will take care of the tiny bits of rust in the pits of the steel that you can’t get to. It sits over night and you deactivate it with water before continueing. Use a two part finishing putty to smooth over where you ground the steel, finish with 150 grit, prime, wet sand with 400-600 paint.

I was going to suggest some duraglass but bodyguys approach is the proper way to ensure the rust never returns. good luck!

that rear skirt piece is only like $70 if you know where to get it.
I would rather just buy a new one for that price than risk screwing it up more. Thats just me though, i dont do body work.

Go to a junkyard replace it for $20 and get it repainted. There’s no reason to fix something that cheap and easily replaceable. Who knows you might get lucky and find the same color. It would be cheaper in the long run. I 'm a paint and body guy to.

Thanks a lot guys. That’l give me some direction. Theres actually a rio red integra in the local wrecking yard so we’ll see. I may try and salvage this one, and if I cant get it clean enough, I’ll shave the keyhole. And if all else fails, Ill pick up the new one. At least I know now, that I can pop it off the car, and move the panel into a closed garage, and spray away. Thanks again.

Hey guys, I ended up popping the lock cylinder out, and grinding down the rust. Its not nearly as bad as Id though, just the surface of the paint. I’ll sand the filler I just applied down then treat the spot before paint.

hey i have an extra rear panel for the rear of the coupe… There is no rust at all on the piece and if your interested i’m selling it for $50 firm… i just replaced mine it took 30mins…

DA90integra, i’m interested if he’s not. i’d prefer black though. any pics? and what colour? i am located in hamilton. thanks, saum.