Rust monster

Okay so I am looking at a 1993 integra. Runs very well, a friend owns it, but it has one line of rust under the rear window on the hatch back AND has like a dot I believe on the wheel well.

What would need to be done to get rid of the rust? Now I should say it is not deep at all, actually its surface rust. Both rust spots are purely surface, not deep at all.

I plan to get a new paint job very soon. He wants 2500 but I am hoping he can be negotiated with. Anyway does this sound like it will be expensive to take care of? I am very new to cars and really have little to no knowledge so any suggestions would help. If need be I will take pictures this weekend and post them in this thread if i get any responses.

Thanks in advanced.

rust is like cancer, without fixing the problem completly it will spread like wildfire.
the rust has to be taken all the way down to the bare unrusted clean metal.

id say 2500 with quarter panel rust is a bit high.

what would be a fair offer then? I was thinking 1800

personally i dont pay jack for cars, i got my teg with no rust and one dented fender for 500 bucks.

far as rust goes as long as its not deep i’d say 1300-1600 would be a fair market price

Depends on everything else. What really matters is how rusted the frame and underbody are, cause those are things you can’t really fix. :wink: