
bump price is negotiable.


104K in 4 years, jesus christ did you ever stop driving it?!?!?

i do/still do alot of traveling to ATL, Cha, FL, thats where a majority of my miles came from, then i started traveling to and from work which was 40 miles one way (400 miles/wk)

matter fact i’m probably about to take it out of town in the next couple of wks

[QUOTE=integra_hot;2241857]i do/still do alot of traveling to ATL, Cha, FL, thats where a majority of my miles came from, then i started traveling to and from work which was 40 miles one way (400 miles/wk)

matter fact i’m probably about to take it out of town in the next couple of wks[/QUOTE]

Take it out on the town?

omfg jealous

[QUOTE=IdntGlwIglisten;2242303]Take it out on the town?

omfg jealous[/QUOTE]

Well it’s not gonna let him just stick his winky in the tailpipe without dinner and a movie first.

bump on price drop

pick this up for $2800 before february first

c’mon folks. this is a helluva buy for $2800 for a excellent daily/road trip vehicle

Getting closer to book value for an unmodified car in fair condition, which is what the photos show…

go buy this…1990-4-Door-Integra-GS…White…3000-obo be happy and stfu

oh and since you like book value

I am not sure why you decided to repost this car for sale considering the comments you got in your previous thread. :shrug:

As I have stated before, you are better off trying to sell the car elsewhere and not in the Off Topic section on an Integra website.

it’s elsewhere and here for broader audiences. but respect for a seller regardless of the price, even though my price is below book value, this thread does not warrant any sort of peanut gallery. its a FS thread and placed correctly in the right subforum. as far as reposting, if i remember i think the other thread was locked after i deleted the OP. have i come in and added ignorant post to anyone elses FS thread regardless of how ridiculous the price may seem to ME?! no, i’ve respected everyone’s prices. the post that are in this thread are immature at best.


  1. PostS.

  2. What did you expect? It’s off-topic on an integra site.

  3. Gordon Ramsay and Anthony Bourdain didn’t get where they are in life by whining about everyone who had viable, fact-based criticisms of their efforts. You can either cry or you can get over it and move on with your life. Up to you. :up:

[QUOTE=integra_hot;2244723]since you like book value[/QUOTE]

  1. That’s for a 3.0-liter V6 model. This:

Is not a 3.0-liter V6.

  1. Your mileage in excess of 220,000 is not listed ANYWHERE on that link, which leads one to believe it’s not factored into their pricing.

  2. Your vehicle, in the photos and stated description, is between rough and average trade-in. As average is listed at 2775, and rough at 1900, we’ll give the benefit of the doubt and say maybe 2400–except that’s for the V6 model. For the lower-priced 4-cylinder, we’ll go with 2000 even. Explain how your pricing of $800-$1600 above that is anywhere near reasonable, given that mileage and actual condition aren’t being taken into account.

We wait, although I’m sure you’ll just delete it again, tuck your tail between your legs, run away, and come back in a couple months to try again. See you then! :clap:

i’m elated that you think you know more about my vehicle than i do since obviously from what you are saying there are more than one engine available in a 2000-2001 nissan maxima, something i didnt know. i guess the other model came w/ a Gallo 12. with that said.

also given the fact that you havent seen, driven, etc this vehicle you can say its in rough condition. you fail at life and at being a competent ‘internet badass’ please see yourself out of my thread and back into another thread.

$2800 before February 1. let me know

What % is the tint? Why are you selling it?