seat belt sensor annoying!

hey guys my teg has full electric and electric seat belts but my car is dropped to tha floor, when i hit a bump the annoying seat belt sensor comes on and doest stop beeping but i have my belt on how can i take it off i tried fuse under the hood and plus under driver seat still beeps!!! thanks

If you look on the right side where your passenger would have his/her right foot on the side panel it will have 3 lil cuts when you move that piece there is the control unit that beeps if you unplug this it will stop but ur seat belts wont move. BTW all DA has electric seatbelts.

No, not all DA’s have electric seat belts. :bang:

i don’t.:clap:

Yay Canadian Integras! hahah

nvm sorry i thought all 90-93 integras had power seatbelts stock.

All USDM ones do. I happen to be in the CDM (Canadian Domestic Market) and I have manual ones.

so rather then unplugging the seat belt computer refered to in the previous post all you do is pry the cover off and find the little electronic chirping thing in it and pry that off also. It looks like a maybe 100 microfarad capacitor. It only takes 5 minutes and your seat belts will still work. If the seat belt light comes on just take the ligh out of the dash.