I tried to unbolt my seats, and the seat bolts are spinning, am i going to have to cut the bolts out?
worse. not only are you gonna have to cut them out but you’re either gonna have to weld some new ones back in or tighten them from the bottom of the car.
how would you get to them from the bottom, isnt that sealant crap covering the bottom, ive always wondered because all the raises in the floor for the seats and stuff dont show on the bottom. its all flat like another piece of metal was welded down for the bottom of the car like this
this is where the seat bracket would bolt down
this is the bottom of the car
thats my artistic skills at their best, but its kind like if you were looking at the spot through the door without a seat in the car
so i’m gunna have to like cut out the underbody parts covering? What if i cut out the seat bolts, and then re-tapped the holes or something?
well, you could do that, but if the nut has broken its welds, then re-tapping will do no good. maybe you should take the heads off and see what happens. maybe you’ll get lucky and the bolts just stripped somehow.
u have tried prying up on the bolts with a screwdriver while turning them to get a thread to catch right?