shiftlinkage fell apart!!!

And now you know WHY its called a bitch pin.


Just follow those instructions with pics, there is just enough room to get the c clamp in there. I did it on mine, worked like a charm.[/QUOTE]

I gave this method a try thinking it’ll be quicker and easier…boy was I wrong. Trying to line everything up and hold in place while tightening the clamp wasn’t too bad but the thing wouldn’t budge. Needless to say, I gave up on trying to get this method to work.

I resorted to using a pin punch kit and a hammer. Key thing is you’ll need to jack it up high enough so you can have some clearance to swing the hammer onto the pin punch.

An 8 millimeter flat-headed punch is perfect for this job. Yes they are a bitch to get out, hence the nickname. But having a tight fit is a good thing, or else you have a situation like the OP had. Though I still have no clue how his just ‘fell’ out.

Everyone should also be using the c-clip that goes over the bitch pin to keep it from falling out.

[QUOTE=unified112;2149003]An 8 millimeter flat-headed punch is perfect for this job. Yes they are a bitch to get out, hence the nickname. But having a tight fit is a good thing, or else you have a situation like the OP had. Though I still have no clue how his just ‘fell’ out.

Everyone should also be using the c-clip that goes over the bitch pin to keep it from falling out.[/QUOTE]

i used a nut and bolt with loctite to refasten mine, the bolt and nut also work as a great place to fit the dust boot over, since you cant use the c-clip anymore. shifting is tight as it was before and now i can just unscrew it to remove my motor, takes two seconds.

Sweet! I’ve heard people do that before, but also you need to have a perfect sized bolt, or else you get slop in the shiftlinkage.

yep, getting bolts with sleeved bodies works best, like motor mount bolts, except in the 8mm variety.

e: the ones i bought were 9mm, but we machined them down to fit in my marred up shift linkage (my spring pin had to be drilled out), im only assuming 1mm was taken, get a few different sizes when you pick up bolts.

I had a huge problem with this pin, I tried everything to get it out, drill bits wouldn’t touch it, tried some 18 dollar dremel bit and that broke too. I even tried using a pin punch (can’t remember the size) that was slightly smaller than the pin and it didn’t even budge.

The only thing that I got to work is a tapered punch, put it on an air hammer and it popped out in a second! And if you don’t have access to air tools using the punch by itself works fine with a hammer, just hit it with the side of the hammer if you can’t get clearance.

I can’t see myself using anything but this tool to get it out, it works like a charm.

Heres a what mine looks like

Sorry OP I know it’s kinda off topic but maybe someone will find this useful.

Also I wouldn’t worry about heating the pin up as its designed to expand on its own. Hope you get it fixed.
