Hey everyone hope you can help me? I have tried to read all other post but I get overwhelmed with how many there are so if this question has already been solved I apoligize for bringing up old shit! Anyways, I just bought a 91 teg Ls 2 door, first thing I had to replace was the clutch because you couldn’t even drive it. Once I put the clutch kit in I drove it for two days and started two notice some smoke and a sweet smell coming from the tail pipe. Having these symptoms on another car I figured it was the Head Gasket, so I ordered a Nippon Head Gasket and a timing belt from my local Acura dealer. After installing the new headgasket and timing belt I took the car out for a couple test drives and the car ran great, lot’s of power no more smoke. Two days later I go to start it up in the morning and I got tons of white smoke for at least a minute, then it went away, I drove it and had no smoke at all unless I took it to the red, but that was just fuel smoke from punching the cat out. So my problem just seems to be in the morning when it’s warming up and once it warms up I get no smoke. I am thinking valve guides but I’m not to sure. One more note, when I had the head off I inspected the pistons which were shiny clean due to the water getting into the chambers from the blown headgasket and the valves looked pretty good considering the engine has 186k on it. So what do you guys think? I need some help here. On top of that I found the reason the headgasket blew, it was because the fan wasn’t kicking on which I still haven’t fixed because I can’t determine if it is the Relay or the actual fan. Seriously in need of some assistance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
yeah… ain’t nothing like a smoke of parliament light in the morning.
do a compression or leak down test
are you sure its white smoke?? isnt it cold in washington? b/c its cold here in arizona, and when i have my heater on when its cold outside, okward smoke comes out for some reason. it might just be normal. idk.
Hello all:
It is could be water condensation in the pipe, once the engine heat up it will go away. For the fan tried this:
- disconnect power wire that feed the motor fan
- get a pair of wire and connect it direct to the battery. If the motor fan work then I would suspect relay is faulty.
I hope this help
I don’t know?
I am sure it is oil smoke coming from the tailpipe. I have condensation smoke also but it is definatly oil smoke! I am wondering if maybe all of these problems could be related to one thing, Timing. I have a overheating problem, smoking, and a weird hesitation through out the rpm range that comes and goes when it wants. The thing that keeps throwing me away from the timing issue is that the car has great power. And know I don’t have a timing light. I do it by the feel and sound of the car. If I got a tooth off on the intake cam could it give me good power but still be out of time??? Thanks again for everyone who has replied so far, and to those who will continue to help me.
oil in exhaust = blue in color
Ok so call me call me color blind, bluish/white smoke, that smells like burning oil! :squint: So now that we figured that out can we get back to the problem please! I realy don’t know where else to go but the dealer, and know realy wants to go there unless someone else floats the bill:p Help me guys, please!
A typical problem with high mileage motors in general. When you shut the motor down the high vacuum can suck oil past worn valve guides. When you restart the motor it smokes till the oil is burnt off then runs fine. This is normally noticed on every shutdown and restart after a few minutes however it can also happen only with longer shutdown times that allow the oil to seap past the guides with time.
On a morning that you don’t need to go anywhere start your car and then immediately shut it down and check your plugs for oil.
Sounds like its time for a rebuild? Or even a swap. When the head is going can the rings be far behind?
Thank You Jeepxj66!
I was realy thinking valve guides and just didn’t want it to be true, and was hoping maybe there was some easy little fix that it could have been instead. But I think your probably right though! I thank you, and all of you, for your input and help. This site trully is the:cool: shit and I’m glad I belong to it. Talk to you guys later.
Ya it sucks to buy a car and then have to poor all your money into it before you can truly enjoy it. When I bought mine it had a bad head gasket but I was able to drive it for a couple months then I just did a swap rather than mess with fixing a high mileage motor that I knew would need more work soon.
Good luck.
I’m thinking Frankenstien?
One of my buddies has a b16 head that I could get from him that I believe only has like 40k on it. He also has a gsr intake manifold, I’d rather have the type R manifold but beggers can’t be choosers. Anyways I think I’ll end up buying this little beater 91 civic down the street for super cheap (500$) and drive that around while I turn my newly bought teg into a Project, not what I had in mind right off the bat, but hey I’m sure I’ll be happy when I’m done. Thanks Again for your help!!