So, a discussion on the next gen war between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

For those that are into gaming, what do you plan on picking up (if at all) when the new consoles are released in a few months?

My personal vote is the PS4. While there are still several things that are being rumored about it as far as accessories and capabilities, the things that we DO know about it are pretty popular decisions compared to Xbox.

Hardware specs between the two systems are nearly identical, on paper, but there are a few slight differences between the two.

X1 - 8GB DDR3

PS4 - Single chip 8 core X86 AMD Jaguar
X1 - Proprietary 8 core Microsoft processor

Mandatory Game Installs
PS4 - No :up:
X1 - Yes :down:

Backwards compatibility
PS4 - Yes, but through a cloud streaming service. Physical game discs not made for PS4 will not work. Also, only PS3 titles are confirmed for streaming. Titles for either the PS1 or PS2 have not been confirmed or denied.
X1 - No

Cloud Storage
PS4 - Yes :up:
X1 - To be announced, but sources say “Not likely” :down:

Used Game Locking/Fee
PS4 - No :up:
X1 - According to a representative, this is likely. But, not at launch. Still to be determined.

Internet REQUIRED for use
PS4 - No
X1 - Yes (system has to connect to the internet once every 24 hours to maintain functionality) BIG :down:

Online subscription fees
PS4 - No :up:
X1 - Yes, a new Xbox live will return with subscription fees.

Voice Commands
PS4 - To be determined
X1 - Yes

Motion Control Capabilities
PS4 - Yes, a revamped PS Move returns
X1 - Yes, a more advanced Kinect will be available

Now, what has a lot of people concerned about the new Xbox is the fear that the required internet connection could make for a hacker’s dream come true. Especially, if they are able to get in and wreak havoc like someone did the PSN in 2011. Also, apparently, the new Kinect, while on, is accessible on the back end by pretty much any government agency that wants to use it, like the National Security Agency, etc. Creating a lot of people being pretty pissed/concerned with personal security and privacy.

Neither company has announced a price or release date, yet. But given the Xbox’s “all in one” intentions (MS wants this to be a one stop source for all in home entertainment, etc.) it is expected to be priced noticeably higher than the PS4. This is not certain, but speculated.

Your thoughts on the matter? What do you plan on getting?

I plan on getting a ps4. Main reason is I just like playstation more. I have a ps3 and Xbox 360 now and use the ps3 about 80% more. I have not looked into the features of either new system but you layed it out perfect for me.

XBOX can suck it. Even though I never planned on purchasing either one, comrade.

Possible privacy violations by Microsoft’s upcoming Xbox One have come under new scrutiny since it was revealed Thursday that the tech giant was a crucial partner in an expansive Internet surveillance program conducted by the National Security Agency and involving Silicon Valley’s biggest players.

One of the console’s key features is the full integration of the Kinect, a motion sensing camera that allows users to play games, scroll through menus, and generally operate the Xbox just using hand gestures. Microsoft has touted the camera as the hallmark of a new era of interactivity in gaming.

What Microsoft has not promoted, however, is the fact that you will not be able to power on the console without first enabling the Kinect, designed to detect both heartbeats and eye movement. and positioning yourself in front of it.

Read more:

Pretty much nailed themselves in their own coffin…

That last bit of stu’s quote makes The kinect sound like a new drone targeting system :danger:

Both are overpriced, outdated and manufacturer-limited PC’s.

definitely getting the PS4 when I decide to upgrade. I don’t think anyone in the military will buy an XBOX if they can’t use it on deployments (because of the internet thing) Petty stupid on their part.

XBOX One…has an infrared (means it can see in the dark) camera and microphone that are always on (even when the XBOX itself is powered off), and ALWAYS connected to the internet. Parents are going to put these machines in their childrens’ bedrooms.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

Mark -
Forget the parents. Wait til Obummer figures this out.

I made a cover for the kinect I have now cause I feel like it’s watching me. haha.

I will probably be converting to ps4 myself.

Are they both coming out at $500 price points?

I read that the PS4 will be less expensive.

im planning on ps4. i grew up on playstation, and although the online play is now required through playstation plus, its worth it to me.

Official prices:

Xbox One - $499
PlayStation 4 - $399

The ONLY thing I’m kind of bummed about is online multiplayer won’t be free, anymore. PS4 online multiplayer gaming will require a subscription to the PlayStation Plus service. It sucks, but it was inevitable. Microsoft got away with it for 8 years, so of course Sony was going to follow suit. At $50 for a year subscription, its still noticeably cheaper than Xbox live. I’ll be getting the PS4 and Battlefield 4 at launch. Really looking forward to both. Next gen consoles will be the same as PC for BF4. 64 player matches, etc. PC Battlefield will only have a visual edge over console BF4. Otherwise, the features and modes are identical.

Why did you start the thread title with the word “so”? It’s not used to start sentences.

Fuck y0 logic!

YOLO, mang!!

To be honest, I don’t know.

PS4 pre-order is at 399.99 from big retailers at the moment. Not too bad compared to PS3 debuting price.

But… its said that you’ll need PS Plus to play any kind of online multiplayer game…$50 a year…

Oh noes! A whole ~$4/mo gasp

On a more serious note, I’ll be leaving Microsoft for Sony this time around. I was all PlayStation until the 360 launched. Looks like the tables are turned back around again. Microsoft really shot themselves in the foot this year, and Sony was there to chop off the other one with a dull rusty machete wrapped in barbed wire. They pwned Microsoft at E3. HUGE embarrassment. Plus, the game lineup for PS4 looks so much more promising, with titles such as:

  • Destiny
  • The Division
  • The Last of Us
  • The Crew

And can we say, fucking stupid excited for BF4?!?


Honestly I don’t have a problem with paying for online. It adds to the support for the online community. If people are paying for it then you have reasons to advance it. That’s one major reason I never picked up a PS3 is because while PSN was free, there were hackers and glitchers everywhere.