So Cal - Need Cert Smog Checker

Hey all!

After a clutch job, changing both axles, a motor mount swap, and a tune up… I’m finally ready to give the smog test a shot. I’ve followed the steps listed in the teg articles section; except for adjusting the timing(should I?). I’d like to pass on my own, but am looking for a trusted shop in case I fail hard.

So, if you know a shop (must be certified smog shop) in the Hollywood, CA area (I’ll drive 20-30 miles if need be)… please email me at (for some reason i can’t receive PMs here)

So, You’re looking for a smog shop that will pass you illegally if your car doesn’t?

Most smog shops have a pre-test thing.

ca + smog= ftmfl


im tired of having to pay the “fee” to pass that bullshit… :mad:

Then buy a smog legal car. It’s that simple.

BTW, In the last 8 months they REALLY cracked down on illegal smogs so for alot of people that illegally smog theirs are now charged I think $400.

correct^^ you’re best shot is to go to a shop and ask if they do the pretest, some shops do it. Tell them you do not want it on the computer because if you do fail,it might come up as a GP. What motor did you swap in? Because if it is a newer one,you need to ref it.

I’m still looking for someone, however I will attempt to fix this to the best of miy abilities.

The car is stock besides a CIA. The motor is a crate motor, B18 stock from japan, wth upgraded RADIATOR!! WHAT! :werd:

I found a great smog article in the archives and will follow through it once the rain dies in SO Cal. But here are the numbers from me failing hard.

My scores(15/25mph)
HC 178/172
CO 1.53/2.36
Nox 1402/900

Max values (15/25/mph)
HC 121/96
CO .76/.65
Nox 807/746

So i’m high in all three, woohoo…

Any additional thoughts??

Just start replacing smog related parts.

It’s super hard to find a crooked smog shop now, and if you do it’s double in price then it was because the DMV and BAR came down hard on smog shops, Atleast over here 4 shops closed that I heard of.