SoCal 10-7-06 Meet Pictures

Hamburrito foo…


aw, my wheel gap makes me sad. sniff

job well done, luis!!!


y0 digital…u didnt take any pics…I know u did man…post em up!!!

heres what i got, didnt do much as i wanted


you shoulda went ^^^



[camera phone pics]

Here’s MY car! I luv my DB2!

you can’t hotlink from yahoo. you need to have the image hosted.

Great Meet!! Nice to meet all. Great turnout. Hopefully the next one is not a year or more away!! Thank you again Luis!!!:clap:

wheres j.s old car?



.J. sold his car? when did this happen?

A few weeks ago.

It started with a drunken conversation between Jason and me about how he’d never sell his car, and if he did he’d be so picky about who bought it he couldn’t sell it anyway. I asked if there were anyone he’d sell it to, and he said either Dave or Angell, and Angell in his infinite beer balled wisdom said “I’ll give you $15K for it.” The next day Jason swore off tequila forever, and was like “haha, what a crazy night” but Angell wouldn’t go back on it since he had already gotten a drunken signed bill of sale.

Lets just say this is why all of us weren’t really too happy with Angell’s attitude about the whole thing and there are now lawyers involved with Jason trying to get his car back. :surrend: