Speed And VTEC

Alright, I know VTEC is activated based off a few things (engine temp, oil pressure, speed, etc).

Now since G2 speedos are cable, how does the ECU see the speed?
Through the cruise control unit?

Vtec is activated off engine RPM’s and some other stuff speed has nothing to do with it.

i’ll tell you this, though… if your speedo cable is disconnected, vtec will not engage.

Which is part of my problem.
I’ve got a electronic VSS now and not the cable one.

A6 - Yellow/Red - ECM, Trans Module (for autos), Cruise Control Unit. Think this is my issue.

Will try hook it up at some point today.

I never knew vtech wouldn’t engage without the speedo cable. Is the reason for this cause this is how it sences the car is in gear?

No the ecu reads the speed, vtec won’t gauge if you aren’t doing 15mph IIRC.

This didn’t solve my problem.

there have been a few people on here who have done a DC cluster swap in their tegs. hopefully they see this and can figure out your problem. have you been aable to trace the circuit etches originating from the speedo to their respective wires?just throwing it out there. you most likely have, though…

you also might want to maybe post this in the hybrid section… i would imagine that most of the folks who have done this frequent that section more.

Yea, I’m gonna look at wiring diagrams in a bit