I received an “exhibition of speed” ticket in my 68 javelin when I broke the tires loose making a turn. I haven’t had a moving violation in almost 10 years, but of course I’m friendly and courteous to the officer and apologized for getting heavy on the throttle. He wrote me for 23109(c) - exhibition of speed, and wrote my speed as 25 in a 45. Automatic misdemeanor (although never indicated on the ticket), and 2 points. So I keep checking the online system and calling the court every couple weeks and no record of the ticket. My drop dead appear date was today, and as a good citizen I appear. There is no record of the violation in the court system. I got a printout stating I appeared, and the clerk told me that most likely there was an error the officer needed to correct but never did. Apparently he has a year to submit, but most likely if it hasn’t happened by now it never will.
Has anyone else had this happen to them? This isn’t the first time for me either - 10 years ago when I got the same ticket in my old integra. The ticket was never filed and it just went away.
I received (and paid for) a speeding ticket that has yet to show up on my driving record…
How I can have proof if payment for something that doesn’t even appear on my record is somewhat worrisome, but I actually would rather it work out that way… One less thing on my record.
You did things the right way, and have proof to show that you tried to remedy the situation. If it comes back, you should be covered… If not, consider yourself lucky.
I have a couple police friends and they used to tell me stories of how they would write out tickets for kids who are being cooperative and “lose” them. Basically never file them. Just scare them a little bit about getting a ticket. Some cops are nice lol
I cant even pay for it if I wanted to. The fine (bail) amount is sent out by the court. If the court has no record of the ticket (ie, the officer never turned it in), then they can’t do anything about it. They can’t even dismiss it if they wanted to, because there is no case to dismiss. Now it is my responsibility for the next year to check with the court if it was ever submitted. However, now that it was never submitted to the court by the appear date, if it ever does show up then when I contest it my chances of dismissal are that much stronger. At this point I highly doubt it will. The officer who pulled me over is a Sargent, SWAT team leader, k9 officer who probably doesn’t write many traffic violations.
This happened to me in high school 10 years ago, and I suspect the same now. He was a really nice guy, and actually really liked my car. Except for the fact he wrote it down as a Mustang
well you could always fight it… SOunds like the cop cited you for a speeding offense when the actual infraction for peeling out on a turn is a different VC than speeding… generally if you break the tires loose it is considered “unsafe start” or “unsafe turn” I have had tickets in the past for both with my old dodge van… usually the unsafe start would be for a straightline burnout, and the unsafe turn would be for cooking the tires around a corner… Unfortunately I do not have any of the old tickets and do not know the exact VC for each infraction, but it is an infraction to peel out not a misdemeanor
IDK tho seems the have a law for anything you do in a car out here LOL… regardless if you contect an incorrect traffic citation that has an incorrect VC alot of the time the commissioners will toss it on the basis that you are being honest about what you were really doing. At least that has been my experience in the past in the south bay area… I know everyone has different experiences tho…
The different violations are vague and are subjective to the citing officer. And yes, I could contest it, which I planned to do, however I can’t contest a violation that does not exist in the eyes of the court. And yes, there is an unsafe start violation and there is exhibition of speed. An action could be construed by an officer is either, depending on the severity.
First of all…“exhibition of speed” is the correct violation for breaking the tires loose. Second of all…it’s usually a bullshit violation for cops who want to be dicks (says my cop father). I have an identical experience to yours in a gas station parking lot of all things going even slower that you were.
If the court has no record of a violation and you appeared for said court date (written on the ticket I assume?), just drop the whole thing and move on. If for some reason it shows up in the court system later, they will know your court date has passed and the court system will have to notify you. If they do not, you’re not liable for anything. I’d imagine even if he enters it later for some stupid reason…since the court date has passed, it would probably get thrown out anyways. Especially with a clean driving record.
The proof you were there is all you will need to protect yourself. So keep it somewhere.
[QUOTE=da6YO;2280493]First of all…“exhibition of speed” is the correct violation for breaking the tires loose. Second of all…it’s usually a bullshit violation for cops who want to be dicks (says my cop father). I have an identical experience to yours in a gas station parking lot of all things going even slower that you were.
If the court has no record of a violation and you appeared for said court date (written on the ticket I assume?), just drop the whole thing and move on. If for some reason it shows up in the court system later, they will know your court date has passed and the court system will have to notify you. If they do not, you’re not liable for anything. I’d imagine even if he enters it later for some stupid reason…since the court date has passed, it would probably get thrown out anyways. Especially with a clean driving record.
The proof you were there is all you will need to protect yourself. So keep it somewhere.[/QUOTE]
Yep, its just frustrating that the burden is on me to check the court system over the course of the year. If I fail to do so, and its filed, then I get a FTA. I just was wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Cant believe that 2 out of the 3 speeding tickets I’ve gotten in my life were “lost” by the officer.
i had a state ref ticket once that totally dissappeared. it was the best feeling considering the rookie cop was profiling. i did the same thing like you. i went to court to handle it and their was no record.