Spoiler Q?

i have a 92 integra db2 and i was wondering if a integra type r spoiler would fit the outer bolt holes pre drilled in the hatch for my current spoiler

No, it is not a direct bolt on.

alright thanks
would you know by anychance how much of a hassle it would be
would it be for than welding the factory holes and smoothing out and than just drilling new bolt holes?

Dude it’s ugly as fuck anyways, the spoiler doesn’t suit the lines of the integra /at all/…

Just avoid.

too round man, and not wide enough it would look silly, try tracking down a Hiro wing if you want that look. not sure if it will bolt right up to a db1 however.

Measure your trunk and then go online and search for an identical wing with the right base measurement…. There are tons of ricer sites that sell wings/bodykits.

Type-r wing replicas and look-a-likes are a dime a dozen.

Will look ugly as feck IMO, but if you like it…go for it. It will only increase the value of my DA ahahah