Spoon style side mirror & amber bumper lens???

Does anyone here know if any company out there who make REPLICA Spoon style side mirrors?? Where and Who can I buy 92-93 AMBER bumper lens??? The mirrors look like the one on the hatch

Just buy a can of Krylon Stain glass Orange & make the bumper lenses yourself… as for the mirrors, i dunno

noone made spoon replica mirrors for our tegs,…i want them too …but u need them for a different car and you can mod the pretty easy…forget what ones u need tho…

i believe its the EK ones you can mod to fit our cars. beh, i have to search though.

use this guide and do it urself:


i did my bumper signals on my teg and now theyre such a nice bright orange now when they flash im thinking about doing my corners and side markers to match!
they look so sweet when theyre done :smiley:

I heard that the Krylon paint doesn’t stain nor stick very well. thanx for the tip, I might try it for now.

Yeah lmk about the mirrors from an EK and if it is, I’m gonna try it.

The link you gave me is down, got any others???

DAMN those company for not making parts for our cars. It would be so MUCH EASIER on us. You would think someone would made some by now. Wonder how many ppl. in here want the Spoon style mirror??? :hmm: We should definetly get a survey going and send them to companies…

this is the link i used for my bumper lenses and then i did the same to my corner lights… the only thing i did different is that i used the actual amber color paint instead of mixin red and yellow… the amber paint takes a lot of coats, and i mean, a lot. took me about 10 coats to get the hue i wanted…
just follow the guys instructions and they should come out good, plus it’s fun doing them…
amber… yum!

now for the vision mirrors… supossibly, the EF vision mirrors fit really good but no one makes replicas… so you would need to fork out some cash to get real ones… i have searched abouy DIY ones and you can use either dc’s or ek’s, they are kinda close but you still need to relocate the mounts and trim to shape with a dremmel… eg’s wont work 'cause the base is smaller…

here are some modded ones…

and here are som ef, “real” vision…

i should be getting ek replicas soon to mod in my car… maybe i’ll post a DIY…

thanks for the pics and tips. I really appreciated guys. I just got a DA and dont know much and this is the only forum that members are willing to help each others out. Again greatly appreciated. I found a set of EF cf spoon sytle mirrors on ebay but it’s the cheap cf and it look like shit. i gonna do some more reasearch and hopefully will find some, when I DO, i’ll post where to get it.

lol sorry thats the link i ment to give, mine turned out great like i said :slight_smile:

i cant seem to find spoon style mirrors for the 88-91 civic, as i understand these are the easiest to modify. i cant get 92-95 civic and newer civic and integra ones…will any of those work?

they got them on ebay but they are the fake CF style only and it is like $90.

i looked on ebay and found them only for newer civic and integra, 92-95 civic. didnt see any 88-91 but ill check again

type in “88-91 civic spoon mirror” well at least when I did it.

they got emm al but the 88-91 ones…which do you think would be the closest fit?

I heard ppl are using EK’s and mod them. I know for sure that there is 88-91 Civic mirrors out there.

I know someone has already modded the DC to fit on the DA. But I already bought some old mirrors, and I am having a mold made for the DA, hopefully out this summer.

well it looks like ill be gettin a set of DC spoon replicas next week…will post pics

thanks DA Jellie

hmmm okay… so from what i understand the DC,EK and EF’s fit on the DA with some mods… but which one has the closest or best fit?? or do they all pretty much mount and or look the same once modded??

EF has the best fit but they are very hard to come by. good luck. It look like I’m gonna have to settle for a set of DC also.