I’m going to my 91 DA myself, since the bodyshop is pricey. I’ve done a bit of research and this what I’ve understood. I already determined the nozzle sizes I need for each coat (primer, sealer, paint etc). Also with spray guns they have air consumption and pressure requirements, through CFM and PSI, and I have to use an air compressor that meets those requirement, in order for the spray gun to operate correctly. Now as I am searching for spray guns, I find many of them in with required air consumption: 9-14 CFM, and air pressure: 40-90 PSI, at good prices.
But the air compressors I am finding that have the same CFM range and air pressure as the spray guns are costing thousands. And I’ve reading many people spending as low as $280 or so for air compressors, and it does the job well for them. Home Depot, lowes, Sears, Harbor Freight etc. They all have the air compressors but the specs are lower then what the spray gun requires. Am I going have to spend thousands or so just for the air compressor? Can I still get good results if the air compressor is not in the spec requirements for the gun? Advices, Tips, Help? All appreciated.