starting problem?

this morning it was about -8 degrees out and my car wouldnt start, like it seemed like it wanted to but just wouldnt :confused: my car runs just fine and was running great yesterday, the battery is fine and so is the alternator, starter, spark plugs and plug wires…however i do need to replace the thermostat and fan switch. Anybody got any ideas on why my car wouldnt start??? is it just cause it was too cold or wat??? please help me out…this car is my only transportation and because it wouldnt start i had to walk to work this morning through the snow :confused: So any help on what may be wrong would be great


Has this ever happened before under the same conditions.

When you say it wanted to but just didnt, what does that mean? Did it crank slowly and stop, did it just click, you get the idea. Alittle description goes a long way towards helping out.

Ok, I would say that with it being that cold outside most likely its the battery. Cold starts are murder on batteries. Have it checked, when its cold, to see if the battery is good.


i have the same problem. my car ALWAYS starts, until it started getting really cold outside. everymonring i strart my car and nothing happens, not the battery, i can hear the fuel pump working so it must be the starter. i dont belive its going out but it could be connection thats messed up by the cold. im able to start it after making like 7 attempts itll evenually kick over the the starter a little then fire right up. wierd…

[QUOTE=redlinemi;2098689]When you say it wanted to but just didnt, what does that mean? Did it crank slowly and stop, did it just click, you get the idea. Alittle description goes a long way towards helping out.

Ok, I would say that with it being that cold outside most likely its the battery. Cold starts are murder on batteries. Have it checked, when its cold, to see if the battery is good.


i know this is a noob question but would extra ground wires on the negative terminal to the frame and engine help?

Ink did you ever get your whip started?

Extra gounds are always a good idea IMO. but they arent going to help if you have any circuits that are causing parasitic drain. I would try to determine what the actual problem is first before adding anything extra