thread link:
Basically in a nutshell what happend is this member, “Micheal Woods” was selling this turbo kit. I basically sent him the money ASAP hoping to recieve the parts ASAP. 4days after sending him the money, (payment being complete) I recieved a halfassed email saying my account isnt confirmed. What exactly he’s talking about im not exactly sure. (perhaps that my bank account isnt verified??? eventhough this has no effect on the transaction that was complete) Then the next excuse was that he’s waiting for the money in his bank account to clear before he sends it to me, again not my problem that he’s fucking broke and needs my money to clear before sending a package. (BTW: throughout all this I’ve been sending dozens of email’s only to recieve halfassed broken english responses every week not explaining anything).
Now its 3weeks later and i still dont have the turbokit, let alone a tracking number or a response.
:fingban: this faggot.