Steering column swap?

ok my ignition was smashed when i bought my car, i found a good column with key at the junkyard in a 92-93 teg, my question is what if anything will be the difference? should i swap the whole column or just the ignition? either way the column has to come down or out on my car so either is an option.

also the 90-91 steering wheel will work on the 92-93 column right? i really don’t like the 92-93 wheel for some reason and mine has cruise and the donor car doesn’t i don’t believe

any answer on this

everything will fit with no problems, since you found a switch with key you’re in much better shape than I was…

as far as the cruise and such, there’ll be a small “hub” behing the wheel for it, just move it from your original to the donor.

you’ll be in great shape! good luck!

assuming you haven’t already taken care of this…