Stick AC vents, how to get em unsticky? LOL

well just like the title says, i got sticky vents and the airs blowing directly in my face. is their anything safe that i can use to get them unstuck? any help is appreciated! thanks

maybe wd-40… :slight_smile:

or just take them out and clean them with water and soap with a good scrub on the sticky stuff…

If you dont want to take them out you can spray them with a degreaser then blow the degreaser off with compressed air. Thats what I did when I used to be a detailer, it works pretty good.

my buddy had the same problem he used steam from his moms iron funny but the heat and water made the sticky stuff loose and easy to clean

hey usdm ed7 i was wondering if u could help me fix my leaks if you are free sometime. email me at

i use carpet cleaner instead of deagreaser. but thats just as good;)