storing car - gas question

I will be storing my car in the garage for the next 7 months. I know that you are supposed to start your car once in a while, but my main question is, how much gas should I leave in my gas tank?
Any other precautions I should follow?

thanks in advance.


I would recommend leaving it empty and forget about it until spring time. Gas will grow stale after a while.



Full tank w/ fuel stabilizer. I do that with my bike. I think if you leave it empty, the inside of the tank might start to rust out.

Originally posted by duckyrocket
Full tank w/ fuel stabilizer. I do that with my bike. I think if you leave it empty, the inside of the tank might start to rust out.

Good point. However, I think water will only seep in by condensation. If the car is kept inside a garage with temperatures being consistent, I don’t see a problem.



Full tank, and the stabalizer is used to allow the water to be burned by the car, if you happen to have water in your tank after 7 months, it will just burn with the gas. Just make sure that after you’ve brought it out of storage, burn the full tank of gas, but on your very next tank of gas run some fuel injector cleaner through it, because it will pick up any sediments that have settled to the bottom of the tank after 7 months.

(I stored a 68 mustang for a while and had no problems doing it like this.)

I agreee with Cyrus. Full tank with fuel stabilizer.

don’t forget to disconnect the negative terminal on your battery, so it isn’t dead. Also, when my bro parked his 3rd gen for a month the brakes were kinda stuck on, like the pads wouldn’t release from the rotors. So don’t use your handbrake if you can avoid it - just leave it in gear…

put it up on jackstands and put hte wheels in your house so they don’t get flat spots on them, and so that they don’t get stolen.

If you take your battery out, make sure you don’t put it on cement. Nothing drains battery faster than cement.

I’d put in fresh motor and tranny oil if you ain’t building here…:smiley:

Hey man, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you…