The Great Hood Lock-Hood Pin Thread (Everything you need to know)

I got bored, and was looking at a bunch of hood pin types and install articles online.
As I know this is a frequently asked question for owners of carbon fiber hoods
I’d thought I’d list out the links for all of you. Enjoy! :wink:

<b>Manufacturor’s of hood pins:</b>
-Mr. Gasket

<b>Types of Hood Pins:</b>
-Quick Release Slider Mechanism & Scuff Plate Combo (Screw On or Rivet)
-Notched, Pointed Threaded Rod
NOTE: Must use 6-8 a hood for safety.

-Straight Pin w/attached Loop
-Scuff Plate & Pin Guide Combo (Screw On or Rivet)
-Flattened Threaded Rod

-Cotter Pin
-Scuff Plate (Screw On or Rivet & May be Adhesive or Non-Adhesive Plate)
-Rounded Threaded Rod

-Cotter Pin
-Scuff Plate (Screw On or Rivet, Adhesive or Non-Adhesive)
-Lanyard Cables
-Rounded Threaded Rod

-Locking (Requires Special Key) w/ Scuff Plate (Felt or Adhesive Scuff Plate?)
-Locking Threaded Rod

<b>Material Types:</b>
-Anodized Aluminum
-Chrome Steel

<b>NOTE:</b> Scuff plates can be adhesive or non-adhesive. However, they are
usually applied with rivets or screws. Screws are recommended for steel hoods.
Rivets are recommended for fiberglass and carbon fiber. I’ve also noticed, that
some companies carry kits to recess the scuff plates even with a steel hood for
a finished look. Also, some kits come with a scuff plate backer plate, which
sandwiches the hood between these backer plates. Backer plates to
the scuff plates will probably be stronger. Some kits also come with locking

This kit comes with backer plates and locking washers:

great stuff, we should save this

Found another great link:

Can i put hoodlocks on stock hoods?

Yup, there’s just not really a reason to. I’m going to do that in the near future but it’s for a whole different bunch of reasons, I’m sure.


The reason I want it for is so theives dont pop my hood and kill the alarm. Can I install hood locks myself? easy to install?