tranny compabability

i have a 92 gsr teg and the tranny is going out on it and the ys1 trannys for gsrs are hard to find

my question is are there any other tranny that hook up and work jus a good and still be jus a quick or quicker?

trannys coming from another honda or acura i mean not like something totally built up

YS1 is rear indeed…

and is the most coveted “cable tranny” on this side of the ocean…if you can’t find another YS1, your best bet would be the JDM cable trannies with the 4.4fd…and those are S1, J1. Those are the closest trannies with very similar gearings compared to the YS1. You can find those at importers and will cost anywhere from $400 to $650 depending on if they come with LSD.

-Jeff C.

Re: tranny compabability

Originally posted by Patter$on
i have a 92 gsr teg and the tranny is going out on it and the ys1 trannys for gsrs are hard to find

Wanna get rid of that old tranny?