Tranny convertion..

is it worth getting a auto converted into a 5speed? and about how much do you guys/gals think it would run to do it?

worth every penny. personally i think auto tranny cars are worthless.

but the truth is that it’d probably be more cost effective just to sell your car and buy a 5spd G2.

no matter what you do, just find a way to get a 5 speed tranny. i’ll put it this way, i had a 96 honda civic dx 5 speed and just with it being stick, i think it could’ve given my current 90 ls auto, a run. not only that, my friend had a 5 speed the same year as mine and it was so much better. dang it made me wanna get a stick so bad. i’m still waiting for all the parts to come in for my swap, i can’t wait. as for price, around $700-$900 in parts. I’d try selling my car, but plain and simple… NO ONE WANTS TO BUY AN AUTO INTEG.

A lot of people want auto tegs, why do you think there are so damn many of them? :smiley: Autos are very popular with the older crowd who don’t care about modding and 1/4 mile times, but want the teg’s sporty look.

i agree there is a Market for auto tegs … It looks like 16 year old Chicks dig them …