Tranny disassembly

I need to change my input shaft bearing but I cant seem to get the mainshaft off to access it. The helms on page 13-17 Just states to take out both shafts with the shift fork, but it seems to be a little harder than that. Is there anything im missing? any tips?

did you remove the shift rod and the reverse gear shift fork…and all that jazz that it tells you to remove? Once all that stuff is off the shafts along w/ the shift forks should lift right out. Maybe you’re trying to pull out just the mainshaft and not both shafts at the same time?

I didnt know I had to take out the shift rod, because in the Helms the mainshaft and countershaft removal section is before the shift rod section. So thats what I have to do first?

Originally posted by G2 in 408
I didnt know I had to take out the shift rod, because in the Helms the mainshaft and countershaft removal section is before the shift rod section. So thats what I have to do first?

whoops, must have been wrong about that… The method in the helms is correct, I followed it when i took apart my 2 trannies and didn’t have any problems. I’d go back through and retrace all the steps up until that point (although you’ve probably already done this).

Once I got to that point in the directions I just took both hands and grabbed ahold of the two shafts and the shift forks and just lifted straight up. It may take some wiggling, because of the way the shaft goes through the case and because of how the countershaft interacts w/ the differential…but it should slide right up and out.