Tranny help

Im trying to figure out what kind of tranny my car has.
When driving in the highway like around 70 mph my rpm is at
4000 wich i think is high and ive read that when istalling a b16 tranny to
The b18a thats what happens so is there any kind of stamp or # on the tranny
So i can check if its the stock tranny

the s-1 and a-1 have stickers on them. have you looked on the tranny for the sticker?

my s-1

ys1 is also another stock tranny. although it ys1 could be b17 gsr or stock b18a1.

looked for the sticker and it’s a a-1 so is this the sock ls tranny

well yea it should be unless the gears were replaced. 70mph at 4k seems high for a stock ls. not sure tho. what is it at 60mph?

Its at 3000

yeah that sounds about right for a stock trans
