what do you guy’s use as transmition fluid?
you have two basic options. The manual for our car says to use motor oil (i forget what weight----get out your manual and check to see). But a lot of guys here recommend you use honda MTF (manual transmission fluid).
i called acura and asked how much mtf cost, and they just told me that if they serviced my car they’d put in motor oil, not mtf… and that the mtf was only for newer trannies. Kinda weird. I currently have the recomended motor oil in my tranny, and its seems to be fine. however when i do my swap i think i’ll use mtf, just be cause its more formulated for transmissions.
just did a MTF change. I used Honda’s MTF .
i called acura and asked how much mtf cost, and they just told me that if they serviced my car they’d put in motor oil, not mtf… and that the mtf was only for newer trannies.
that is odd, I guess they are trying to save some money. I forgot how much the Honda MTF is but I know it’s more expensive than a conventional 10-30 motor oil. If the manual says use conventional oil then I guess it’s ok.
I’ve changed tranny fluid with motor oil ever since I’ve gotten it, and it runs fine, with no problems =O)
i think it’s almost the same thing as Honda MTF. perhaps when they say on newer trannies, it’s because the trannies might have to break in a little, thus needing a bit more… something something that motor oil doesn’t have?
Honda MTF for me. I wouldnt put anything else in my tranny.
Switching to Redline tranny fluid tomorrow, I’ll let you all know how it turns out. Expensive **** though :shock:
Originally posted by islandteg
Switching to Redline tranny fluid tomorrow, I’ll let you all know how it turns out. Expensive **** though :shock:
What are you switching from??
5-w30 semi-syn motomaster
Running Synthetic 5w50.I race with it and use it all year round.I used to use 10w30 synthetic but at around the 7th or 8th year the synchros started to go so I switched to a heavier weight and so far so good 4 years later.
I installed a custom short shifter about two weeks ago and I seem to be shifting too fast for the syncro, I get a little grind when entering the gear, so I’m hoping this will cure it. Either way it’s got to be a good thing.