Treasure Island 7.16.05

Sorry Said, I don’t think theres gonna be one for a hot minute…i think everyone used up their energy for this one…

aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…is aiiight hopefully next time ya can see what im working on… :hmm: :rockon: like kevin had a surprise…

pfff iv got PLENTY of energy :clap: (restored after i nice nap from 1-6 lol) i say we do one next week :giggle:

TssSs…we all knoe you do Amar…haha :rofl:

sicc…hMmMM i wonder wut it’ll be?..:hmm:

you guys wont knoe till maybe the next meet…its nothing big though…jus for my enjoyment…

right on…

so whats everybody doing rite now? did anyone get a video of Kevin getting sideways??? i have a mini but dont know where to upload it so ya can see it.

I’m at work right now…10-7…and im bored, so I’m being a little post whore…:slight_smile:

the pics arent showin up on my computer…jus white dots

:owned: :lol: :giggle: at the ownd pic hahahahahahahahahahaha!

??? They show up good on my pc, and amar’s… I think its your work computer…

i think so too…=/…crap…

damn i still cant see em…hey alan send them to my email…! plz

man…this sux…hella bad :down:

Whats your email?

sent afew… are you at home or work?


wtf you posted that pic of me by the pit…dammit!..hella caught me off guard!!! :rofl: …:lol:

Thas no fair!..its hella :gay: …haha!..dont laugh at me

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAA!!!, Thought you would like that :wink: