That post must of took a lot of effort. It seems like you care about this as much as i do.
Its excellent that you feel as though me expressing my opinion on this subject is wrong in some way that would need to try and shut me down like that. I apologize if i’ve struck a nerve with your past experience using the badge your self but for the people that didnt know this information, light has been shed on their take of the ‘‘jdm culture’’.
Its also great how you took my example and blew it out proportion. You obviously understood what i was trying to say but for some reason you felt the need to make it more than it needed to be. Lets leave that alone and change africa to… lets say mars. I dont think you would be able to blow that out of proportion.
Anyway, this WAS an informative post about 2 things that the ‘‘jdm community’’ may have lost sight of. But now its a stupid discussion about nothing. Way to ruin it…
Think about it like this, how ‘‘jdm’’ would those badges look on peoples cars in the country of origin? If a fanboy were to import his car to japan with those badges, how ‘‘jdm’’ would he be then?
Regardless of what ‘‘new meaning’’ the american culture is making/made it, the original meaning shouldn’t be lost in translation somewhere as it seems to already have.
If you turn your attention to this thread full of fail and wrong information you will see where im coming from with this.
naa, I don’t care and I knew where you are coming from, only took me a few sec to type, no biggy.
but despite how much the badges bother people, people are going to keep being stupid and you seem really irritated by something you can’t ever hope to control. it’s a pandemic (that means global), the badges are being sold/used in the UK and other countries too.
I’m not even trying to shut you down, I even agree with you to a certain extent.
this is called conversation.
I have never used the badges, actually saw them online when i first bought my car and looked them up… i thought it was silly.
never even see them on peoples cars locally, but way to try to insult me when all else fails, classy!
I didn’t blow your example out of proportion, your example was extreme and disproportionate to begin with, you seriously compared ignorant people trying to be “jdm” with swastikas without even knowing the history of the swastika, which was in itself ignorant… i didn’t do that, you did.
this thread was always just a rant about nothing from some guy i dont know, complaining about some mild annoyance, I didn’t start it or change it, just added my own opinion to it. it’s just a discussion.
lighten up a bit and try not to let those ignorant badge users get to you.
when you see them try laughing about it because you know better.
ok. glad we could come to an understanding…