type R exhaust?

ok, i have a 91 integra and i was wondering if a g3 type R exhaust would fit my car, it’s a 2001 model, i know i would have to mod some of the mounting brackets, but that shouldnt be too hard, will it work or not? and also would you all recomend it or not, i have a thermal research exhaust now that gets too high pitch for me, is the type R high flow?

no, it won’t fit. they are routed completely differently. The G2 exhaust uses a transversely mounted muffler and extends the tip through the driver side. The G3 exhaust has the muffler and tip exit on the passenger side.

with lots of cutting, welding and modifying it could probably be made to work… but that would probably just be a big waste of time.

well, my muffler goes over my rear passenger axle and then it does go out my driver side, but the type R goes over the rear passenger axle, so if i could just make mine go straight out the passenger side by using that, i dont see why it wouldnt work

I have a Muffler that sits on the driver side straight through design. Welded some hangers and voila, it works great. Some weild and bending is require to fit. But why go with type r, when you can get a HKS or Greddy?

I still use my stock muffler… sleeper…