Valve Cover Nuts Stripping!

Hey guys, I just replaced my valve cover nuts three times, and I can’t seem to stop stripping them. I have a torque wrench, and I can’t even get NEAR the torque specs before the bolts strip. I’ve been buying bolts at ACE hardware because they’re only .20 each, but at honda they’re $4 each. I also replaced the studs, so can’t be the studs. Are the bolts just too weak? Do I need honda ones? And FEEEK they’re $4 each? Anybody got a better price? Extra ones I can buy for $.20?


Originally posted by 92GS-R
Acura - Automotive News Info

hey 92 gs-r, hows the service with them? do they ship parts pretty quickly? and how reputable?

Originally posted by spikeymike

hey 92 gs-r, hows the service with them? do they ship parts pretty quickly? and how reputable? [/B]

tons of members have bought from them. I actually just put in a big order the other day. i’ll let you know after i get the stuff. :slight_smile:

aight cool, cuz i just placed an order from them today for a blower motor resistor and pcv valve.

What are you trying to torque them down to?? They shouldnt be stripping out before they get torqued because 7lbs isnt enough to strip them…


i ordered the valve cover bolts. friggin 2something each. ended up not even using them since i just got a new head.
i stripped the hell out of the previous ones and never stripped any of the nuts. in fact i think im using one or two of the nuts on the new head. i guess shipping took a few days… no more than a week. of course theyre in georgia and im in cali and they shipped ground.

its probably the ace nuts. if not, just torque em in intervals. start at 2lbs, then 3, then 4. id bet youd be safe at 4-5.

Originally posted by XDEep
its probably the ace nuts. if not, just torque em in intervals. start at 2lbs, then 3, then 4. id bet youd be safe at 4-5.
I wouldnt recommend that at all. That could result in your engine bay getting a nice warm oil bath.
Honda set the torque specs where they are for a reason.


I set the torque wrench to 83 in-lbs. i hope that’s right? I just took 7 and multiplied it by 12? HAHA maybe i’m wrong, but i think that should be right. I’m not going anywhere NEAR torque specs. Anyway I tightened the bolts on pretty tight, wrist tight, and left it at that until I can get to some auto shop to have them check on it. I drove around and everything seems fine, no leaks.

B R : I’m going to have to delay parting the valvetrain. I’m looking for a new G2, thought I was going to get one already,b ut turns out it’s an Automatic! So yah, gonna be awhile before I’ll be taking the existing g2 apart. So don’t wait up on the parts. Sorry! I"ll update you soon.

thanks guys

The torque specs you have are close enough. It should be 84 inch/lbs for 7 ft/lbs.
Are you sure that the nuts you are buying are threaded the same as your studs?? That is probably your problem right there. There are so many different thread sizes that sometimes it is hard to find out what you have.

Thats cool about the valvetrain. I am in no big hurry and will wait around until the next deal pops up.
Good luck on finding a new g2.
