I replaced the spool valve gasket against the head and the gasket at the base of the solenoid this morning. I replaced them both because there was an oil leak coming from one or both so I decided to just replace them both. As I pulled the solenoid away from the head, some oil came out. I cleaned everything up and reassembled the solenoid to the head. I assumed that I fixed everything. I drove it to work and tried to engage vtec. I never heard the crossover. I don’t know if the oil that came out of the head was the residual oil from the vtec rails or what but can anyone give me advice to get vtec to engage?
u have full oil? also if u need another solenoid i have a few cuz i stock piled on vtec heads lately lol
Oil level is good. I appreciate the offer. I may take you up on it later on. I am in luck, I have a buddy whose mom works for a honda dealership so I got both gaskets at her cost.
You will typically throw a CEL if the solenoid/pressure switch aren’t working correctly…
I double checked everything again last night. Oil level was good. Took the solenoid off again. Double checked the gaskets. All was good except the old gasket for the base of the solenoid had a filter. The new one doesn’t. I’m not sure it plays a factor. When driving home I did hear the crossover but not as loud as it used to be.