
how can i put VTEC n my DA?

its pretty easy. find a b series vtec head and it should bolt up. :slight_smile:

Sorry I don’t have pics. but I know a lot of people here probably do.

Seriously dude? :wtf:

With the use of platonium which you can only get from Mother Russia.

VTEC in a DA is not allowed in the USA anyways… it’s only allowed in Japan…

wow. way to help the guy out. you could find a vtec head such as a b18c1 or a b16 but it wont work just putting it on…even though it will bolt right on. i would suggest just finding a vtec motor thats already complete. it will be alot easier and alot cheaper to just do a full swap rather then a ls/vtec (which is a ls block with a vtec head). if i were you id do alot of research before trying to dive into it. there was some book i found at autozone along time ago called honda motor swaps. it will tell you everything you need to know. i dont know what you mean by a “pic example”. good luck

[QUOTE=hybrid90;2130696]With the use of platonium which you can only get from Mother Russia.

VTEC in a DA is not allowed in the USA anyways… it’s only allowed in Japan…[/QUOTE]
Haha, werd.

Why help his lazy ass out, when he could have taken a lot less time to search here, google, ht, etc… Posts like this need to be ridiculed so people get scared into not posting stupid shit like this. It’s been getting real bad around lately.

i understand that. thats why i told him enough to get him to start looking, that way he doesnt keep asking/posting. im not trying to hate, if someone asks for help im gonna at least give them alittle info.

Wow…just wow

ask golden he just picked up a super rare vtack solenoid and popped that shit in

i give this guy props for at least spelling VTEC right

should delete this thread of fail

rust that is true i completely overlooked that fact, even some ebay auctions don’t have it spelled right i’ve even seen in wrong in magazine readers ride submissions lol.

thanks 4 the infos guys:rockon:

:umno:lol jk

Seriously. Search. Post in the right section.