Walbro Fuel pump shuts off

Well i just started to notice this problem in my car! some time when i turn the key to ignition 2 it does not pump! I have to try many time to make sure it does! i’ve check the connection and its fine! Has anyone encounter with the problem?

are you not getting fuel pressure when you turn the key to the on position?

does you car sometimes crank but not turn over all the way?

Phil, change the positive wire on the connector, to a bigger one, like 10g.
( from the connector, to the relay…)

That is what I had to do with mine…

Originally posted by 4drB16
[B]Phil, change the positive wire on the connector, to a bigger one, like 10g.
( from the connector, to the relay…)

That is what I had to do with mine… [/B]

I have a question about taking out the stock pump… it doesn’t look like the cylinder style pump like the walbro. What do I need to switch… there are a couple things that go into the tank and then there is this tan box piece they are connected to. i have no idea what to do once i get the fuel tank cap off?