Weird noise maybe from tranny!

where is the muffler hanger? how do i check to see if its broken or not, just by shaking around the muffler and if it shakes that means its broken? or can i actually look at the hanger and see if its cracked or broken?

  1. Look under your car beofre the cat convertor and you should see a little rubber thingy held on by a metal hook. Checked and see if you can touch it and move it. The muffler hanger is suppose to be welded on the exhuast piping and underbody frame.

thanks ill do that

i just took my car to a mechanic, it is indeed the heatsheild, its cracked, he just spot welded it and its good as new, no more noise, he said he wouldnt recommend taking off the heatsheild because it can burn a hole in your floorboard.

haha, I was right!!! I knew it was that cause my car did the exact same thing but i noticed that it rattled at 3k rpm not by speed…only 1 person before me said it!! :-Þ

i take all that back, i went to pick up my car today and my mechanic said it was my cat. i was pissed but then one of his friends came over who works for honda and immediately said its my Y pipe. The pipe that makes ur exhaust go from 4-2-1, the 2-1 part, the guy just put about 4 pimple size dents in the pipe, and it doesnt rattle anymore. he said theirs a pipe inside the Y pipe that can get loose and jiggle around, u might want to try that. and yes, mine was exactly the same, 3k rpm, little more a little less but always right around there, sounds like u have the same problem.

ps - he welded my cracked heat sheild but it still made the noise.

