What color is Anthracite?

Yeah i was looking online for ADR Sokudo 8’s and i want Gun-Metal but this Anthracite was another choice for a finish, what color is it or what does it look like? Thanks :hmm:

Here’s the link:http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7953831776&category=43957&sspagename=WDVW

Main Entry: an·thra·cite
Pronunciation: 'an(t)-thr&-"sIt
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek anthrakitis, from anthrak-, anthrax coal
: a hard natural coal of high luster differing from bituminous coal in containing little volatile matter and in burning very cleanly – called also hard coal

Im guessing some gunmetal/flatblack color

just curious as to why u asked what color Anthracite is when the wheel in the picture is that color, but yeah its kinda like a gunmetal color

That color anthracite is the color of the stock rims on 2000 Type Rs. If you ever look at them. they are gunmetal with a tint of gold to them. Depending on which way the lights hittin them!!

Speaking of “Type R’s” - I finally saw my first Integra in Poland. It was a beautiful red G3 Type-R. I saw it a few blocks from the American embassy. I’ll try to get a pic next week if the weather gets nicer.

4 eyed UKDM or JDM?

I wouldn’t know the difference. I was just so happy to see an Integra! Type-R was just a bonus. It was VERY clean. I’ll try to get a closer look next week. No JDM front clip…

I’ve seen Anthracite wheels that look green. Kosei K1’s are a prime example.

white_teggy because i can’t go on pictures i’ve gotten burned plenty of times, with going with the pic and getting something else, also because i just wanted to know lol. :slight_smile:

ukdm tails have white/clear where the amber part is supposed to be on 94-97 USDM tegs.

hehe i got those…god they’re hot… =)

What do you have NTegrals? If their the rims send me a pic if you could, Thanks man.