what is this part ?

Hey good morning Guys
this part is left from a build i have made many years ago. I am almost 100% sure it goes into the head but i also know it is not the dowel pin in the middle of the GSR head (since i’ve already checked)
Does anyone know what it is ? This is from either an LS or B18C GSR.

Ive just finished putting an ls head back together and there was nothing that looked like that in it, so no idea sorry !

Agreed, that’s not familiar to me. Looks similar to a dowel pin but pretty clearly isn’t.

that is curious indeed.
I have an LSVTEC turbo with the skunk2 manifold (no secondary runner anymore) and when my vtec kicks in at 5200 it does not make that much of a instantenuous push. The turbo piping absorbs all the vtec sound usually loud therefore i have no way to make sure vtec works right. the solenoid is fine (tested it offline).

thanks for your input.

[QUOTE=typRWhiteTeg93;2329660]that is curious indeed.
I have an LSVTEC turbo with the skunk2 manifold (no secondary runner anymore) and when my vtec kicks in at 5200 it does not make that much of a instantaneous push. [/QUOTE]
This is a GOOD thing! A smooth vtec crossover means that your tuner did a good job. Typically if there’s a boost in power when vtec engages this means that the engagement point is too high and that you could benefit from a lower crossover point. Every engine will be different depending on the parts used (cams are probably the biggest influence here) but in general you’re always looking for the smoothest transition possible with the parts you’re using. It means you’re taking full advantage of both the lower and higher profiles of your cam and really getting the most from your vtec engine.