whats everyone eating right now?

Im at work and have a little down time. During this time I realized I have been socializing less and less on my favorite car enthusiast site so,

Only the best for my lunches. Jimmy Dean cheesy mac and cheese with bits of (im hoping) bacon!!!

What are you eating currently?

About to get subway.

wheres this artistic sandwich at?

The wife’s cooking chicken something or other while I clean guns after range day.

Had pizza, chicken spaghetti, and now about to devour some red velvet cake.

Bout to get me some protein!!

ate a couple crabs today on the shore.

Never heard of these before, but they showed up in our freezer and they are damn addicting.

Suicidal crabs.

a fist full of clementines. Target had bags of small ones ( around half the size of a normal clementine) for about $5. Gotta watch it though, a lot of produce this time of year comes from outside of the USA. I have less issues with stuff from south or central america than I do with some other places (Africa, China,…)

Just pulled it out of the oven less than 10 minutes ago. Trying to do a no knead recipe in a bread pan to give it a more traditional shape.

Oh stop fucking whining and take your lead-based ebola like the rest of us. Pussy.

Used that bread to make Bruschetta. Went well with the shrimp pasta I made tonight.

Green Chili Skillet!

there appears to be a mysterious absence of bourbon in your beard mug.

I was still at work when I posted that.

Korean bbq

you have nice plates at work.