so i finally decided to stop being lazy and install a kill switch on the GSR this sunday…well, in taking apart the lower half of the dash, i got a peek at the shitty job whom ever put the alarm in did.:(…it looks likt a rats nest!..
anyways, my problem is that i noticed another relay were the MFR is. i have no idea what it’s for , but two of the four(?) wires that are coming out of it are cut!
the two green wires…now, everything on the car works fine and the car runs fine, but what is this relay for??
Ditto the above^^^ it is not a stock relay, and by the looks of it, it is no longer being used as the “switched” leads, [heavy gauge green/teal] are no longer connected. 94
It is supposed to interrupt the starter circuit when alarm is triggered so the car won’t start. It has been removed from the circuit by someone probably for a good reason. I wouldn’t hook it back up since it is right in the open for any thief to easily bypass.