whos ready to ghetto rig?

OK so my temp gauge wire got ripped of somehow, all i have it the wire what can i use to rig it up so i know how hot I’m running? i was thinking a butt connector? any opinions?

What?? :shrug:
How do you mean your temperature gauge wire just got ripped off? Which end–the end at the gauge or the end at the engine? Photos?

sorry the end on the motor, ill get pics tomorrow, there’s a black one wire plug that plugs into the temp sender the wire got ripped out of the black plug probably when we did the rebuild

go to a parts store and go to the terminals. you’ll be able to find a terminal that fits.

i work at advance auto, nothing fits, there’s one butt connector that kinda fits but wont stay on, really all i need is a plug that i can hook the wire into and that’ll fit the tem sender

ok i got it, i just used alligator clamps an it works now

i would have tried to find a junk DA and clip its connector off. its not going to hurt the car the way you have it, but it sure isnt going to last forever.

I used a female bullet connector to make a connector for my water temp sending unit, which is similar:

The sending unit looks like this


I used an OEM connector cover to cover the bullet connector then covered the end of that and the wiring with heat shrink


You should be able to do the same thing in your situation. If the bullet connector you have is too small, you can open it up a bit with the end of a small screw driver. If it’s too large, you can squish it a little with some pliers.