will a b16a OBD 0 dist. work with my OBD 0 b18a?

or since its vtec it wont work or whats the deal here?

Yes, but one leg might be too short.

it will not work…the key that plugs into the cam will be different… Also the legs have a different leg layout. You can use the internals from your b16 in the b18; vise versa…

who am i suppost to believe here?:stuck_out_tongue:

I used the b18 distributor(with the front leg cut off) on my b16 so I would don’t know why it wouldn’t swap the other way but I’ll be glad to trade you my b18 for your b16 distributor :slight_smile:

hey 8grandred - so i’d be able to use my b18 distributor on a b16 head? is it just bolt on? or is there anything i need to do to cut the front leg off? what exactly does that mean too?

yeah the front leg on the distr. (the one closest to the vtec solenoid) need to be cut off. the other two legs should line up with the bolt holes on the head. just cut the leg as close as you can to the distr. case. I used a dremel and it worked good. my advice if you use a dremel get the plug in kind not battery and use a sturdy cut off wheel. I’ve also heard a hack saw will work. hope this helps.

oh I just realized that you want to use the b16 distr. on the b18. I would think that it should just bolt right up to the head. now the front leg won’t bolt on but the top one and the rear one should. on the vtec distr. the front points straight down and I"m not entirely sure that the leg won’t hit something on the non-vtec head. I will be glad to go look at my b18 head and see if it should bolt on with no problem, I don’t know why it shouldn’t. sorry for the misunderstanding but it should still work.

Originally posted by maurob18a1
it will not work…the key that plugs into the cam will be different… Also the legs have a different leg layout. You can use the internals from your b16 in the b18; vise versa…

Acutally the key plugs onto the cams the same way. the ENTIRE distributor is itnerchangeable…

8grandred - im tryin to use a b18 dist. with a b16 head :wink:
thanks for the help…

dude i’m so confused :smiley:

Originally posted by 8GrandRed
dude i’m so confused :smiley:

i know the title of this thread is a b16 dist. on a b18, but i searched, found this, and thought it’d be smarter to post in here rather then posting a new one…

so yea… b18 distributor on a b16 head…
attempting ls/vtec without the big baller status…

I really like the (ls/vtec) idea… anyway, good luck