Window Removal Question...

Trying to remove all the broken glass. All weather stripping and trim is off. Now the glass seems to be adhered to the body with another weather stripping type of material. Real Pain to get off, any tips on a easy removal? Tried Razor blade but the stuff is tough.


Some thin strong wire works real well. You basically use it like one of the wire cheese slicers. You can buy a specialty tool or kit for window removal at an auto body supply shop, however that cost extra money. Just wear a good pair of glove so the wire does not cut thru your hands. Start scraping away! A good solvent should remove any residue that is let after you are done scraping… It just takes some time. Hope this helps, and good luck with your build!

It’s a urethane adhesive, not weather stripping. It’s extremely strong and needs to be cut to be removed. Since the window is broken out already using wire to cut it will be difficult. You’ll need to use some type of blade to cut the urethane (between the body and the glass). Using something like a normal razor blade or even utility knife will likely prove difficult, frustrating, and possibly dangerous. A chisel type tool may work if you don’t have access to a better “knife” like tool. Here’s a bunch of examples of the types of tools which would be used by a professional:

Thanks yall ill give it hell. Just noticed i put this thread in the interior post haha. Move to Exterior please and thanks


would a heat gun help a little bit?

Good thought Io. I have one n ill give it a go.


glad to see your wrenchin on the db2.

For sure… heat-gun + chisel = quick removal. Then acetone for any glue residue.

As Colin said, you just need a sturdy/dependable tool.