Windshield cowl water redirector

Fixes the issue with the wet passenger floor board / water coming through the fan. Redirects water away from the blower hole into the drain area instead. Keeps functionality of “fresh air” input.

Prototype made, currently being 3D-printed.


awsome! cant wait to see some pics

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I don’t want to post pix of the prototype just yet because I’m not sure the design works. Once it arrives I’ll post pix of it installed and discuss findings.


Prototype arrives Monday.

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Part arrived today and works great! It just needs a few tweaks and some extensions.

The part fits over the left rib and inside the right channel, so it doesn’t slide around. I dumped water all over it and no drips went inside the blower hole. The part is angled so water flows away. So it works! It needs to be extended in a few areas. Some double sided tape would also be a good idea to help secure it to the channel and rib.

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I received the 2nd prototype and unfortunately it needs further tweaks. I don’t want to remove that black cover that the part fits in, so it makes taking dimensions a bit more difficult. I think this third tweak will be final though. I took a lot of pictures, and will post them soon.

I’m interested in this as mu car leaks in this area. Please keep us posted.

Submitted to printer again.


nice work, I always wanted to fabricate like a half gable type of sheild

I have the part but I’ve been sick the past few days so I haven’t had the ability to test fit it. I need a time machine to let me work in a time void.

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I have carved out time to work on this 4-5May. Stay tuned.


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I added them to the G2IC Gear store. I’ll put an order in with the printer and once they arrive, I’ll update the stock.



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Installation tips:


1/4" / 6mm tape provided with part. (May need trimming if too wide/long)

UPDATE 3 JUNE 2024: The tape I’m supplying with the part may not be releasing properly from the transfer paper. Apologies for this. I think I received a bad batch of transfer paper. I am using 3M VHB tape but any foam/thick two-sided tape will be enough to keep the cowl in position.

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My packages have been delayed! This is the second time in two weeks (UPS). Stay tuned for updates.

G2IC members will get first notification of in-stock status for purchasing (vs Instagram and Facebook)

G2IC members can place their order here. This link is NOT shared with Instagram or Facebook, so please do not post elsewhere.

First batch will be shipped 18 May. If I get too many orders, there will be a delay of 1-2 weeks before the next batch, but yours will still be mailed before IG or FB users. IG and FB users will be notified ~15 May.

Thanks for your patience!

Link updated.


I am stopping providing the tape because I have noticed the test sample I kept will not release from the transfer paper. Please supply your own until I can figure out another option for providing the tape.

In the meantime, can anyone provide feedback with how the packages are arriving? Particularly, is the supplied tape working out OK?

I’ve found a good option for the tape and will include them in future packages.