would it hurt my tranny if...

On the tranny, there is the Power steering speed sensor. This sensor contains a one way valve that contributes to the power steering. Now, this one way valve is controlled by a gear that extends down to the overdrive gear (I believe) in the tranny.
Now, I don’t care about this speed sensor. What I care about is my tranny. If I was to remove the hoses that go to this sensor, I don’t see how that would hurt the gear of this sensor to the tranny in terms of lubrication. Is that right?


That is the speedometer sensor. The power steering lines that go to it have no affect on “lubrication” of the sensor or the speedo gear. The tranny fluid lubricates the speed sensor ring on the differential and hence the speedo gear. In short, it won’t do any damage to remove that sensor as long as you cap that opening. But then your speedometer won’t work. Best of luck Max.

but if I stop fluid from travelling to the sensor (via the PS hoses) does that affect my speedo reading?

Quite Simply, NO! Cap away…the speed sensor reads from the cable that is connected to the sensor that is then connected to a gear which reads right from the ring gear, or there abouts. “HELP” is a company that sells little plugs and what not. They have an entire rack at my local Kragen and found the size Caps there.

and if I cap both inleets off I won’t havee any pressure eprobleems, right?

No PS = No pressure problems. Mine has been capped for years…


yeah I was worrying whether sincee the speed sensor was driven by the gears whetheer that would create any preessure.

THANX Jay and Dan.