WTF!!!! Only 200 miles per tank

Originally posted by gotcha640
heres an easier way to get mileage: when you fill up, you see how much you put in, and you divide miles since you last filled up by the number of gallons. this takes some time and a routine checking and fill up and resetting the odometer, but its the most accurate.

wow… what a revalation! sure beats the other meathod we were all using! :rofl: :roll:

i saw an article that said avg. fuel mileage is 230 to 260 a tank new. i myself never got more than 260mpg if you get 300+ you must be runnin leaner than ish or have a messed up odometer

i th ink a full tank drive till the last drop before cams i can prob get 280 after cams prob 260

I think it’s odd that you guys judge your gas milage by the amount of miles on what you think a tank is. XMILES/YGAL. = Miles per Gallon. Use the same pump when you can and don’t top off.
If it’s been city driving, I fill up at 250 if the light is on or not. If on the highway between 300-350 whenever I see a safer looking gas station.

You should be worried about Mi/Gal, not Miles per “tank” IMO

i think the same thing… but im getting really bad MILES PER GALLON numbers…im lucky if i can get 200 with a mix of city and hiway.

200 MILES PER GALLON!! wow, the hybrid cars don’t even come close to that!!!

i was looking over some of your quotes on gas mileage, and most of you guys are getting some bad numbers. i can get ~300 miles per tankful, and i have cams, fpr, vafc, etc.

i think some of you guys getting low 200’s should start doing some easy maintenance like new o2 sensor, cleaning injectors, replacing fuel filters, cleaning/replacing air filter, cap/rotor, proper tire pressures, etc. not only is this stuff you gotta do anyways, it’ll soon pay for itself at the pump if you’re driving around a lot.

Originally posted by cspeed
[B]i was looking over some of your quotes on gas mileage, and most of you guys are getting some bad numbers. i can get ~300 miles per tankful, and i have cams, fpr, vafc, etc.

i think some of you guys getting low 200’s should start doing some easy maintenance like new o2 sensor, cleaning injectors, replacing fuel filters, cleaning/replacing air filter, cap/rotor, proper tire pressures, etc. not only is this stuff you gotta do anyways, it’ll soon pay for itself at the pump if you’re driving around a lot. [/B]

I cleaned my injectors about 2 weeks ago, have a new cold air intake, so new air filter, the distributor was changed about a year ago, tires are good. I dont think a fuel filter would rob me of 100 extra miles per gallon…

i’m getting about 20-21 mpg right now with cams and right now it is untuned and i am 100% sure it is runnign real rich. i was suppos eto get a APEX V-AFC but the guy enver sent it to me, he ripped me off so i am filling a complaint and when i get my money back i’ll buy another one.

does anyone have one for sale?


how do u know u are running rich? cause i think i am and that may be causing lower gas milage, but how can i know for sure?

well you can check to see what kind of smoke is coming out of your exhuast. drive it arounda big and park it on the side put a tissue paper and let the exhuas blow on it for a bit. depending on how fast it gets dirty will tell you how rich you are running. also another way to test is to drive and step on the throttle about half way and then step on it all the way, if you don’t feel the negine kicking some more power into than you are running real rich like i am. i step on it all the way is almost same as half way. which means that i have already added too much fuel.

ah hah!! i knew it! the same thing happens to me, half way is almost the same as all the way. how would i go about fixing this? and how can i make sure that i dont make it run too lean when fixing it.

you gotta do what i’m doing get a air fuel controller. i recommend the Apex V-AFC i wish that damn thing is here, i hate my car smelling like ass and idleing like one too. but you can get a cheaper one for like 100 bucks and it’ll fix your problem and prob gvie your a lil more hp and low end tq

k thanks a lot for all the help!

i could be really far off cause its late…but i though the V-AFC was a vtec controller…and the S-AFC was to make changes to the air/fuel mixtures?

V-AFC AND S-AFC are the same except the V-AFC allows you to additnally change the v-tec engagement point.

Originally posted by LODOSS
well you can check to see what kind of smoke is coming out of your exhuast. drive it arounda big and park it on the side put a tissue paper and let the exhuas blow on it for a bit. depending on how fast it gets dirty will tell you how rich you are running. also another way to test is to drive and step on the throttle about half way and then step on it all the way, if you don’t feel the negine kicking some more power into than you are running real rich like i am. i step on it all the way is almost same as half way. which means that i have already added too much fuel.

I get two kicks… one at 3-3500rpm and another at 5-6000rpm … i feel like i have VTEC. But, i don’t. :frowning: Oh yeah, i notice that i’ve been getting about 220-240 miles per tank all the way to the light turn on. I use to get about 380-400 miles per tank. Went to mechanic said that my front shocks are unbalance and also I believe that one of my bearings is broken on one of the front wheel.

good god you use to get 380 - 400?? that’s kinda impossible considering even new the g2 car suppose to get 28 city, 31 highway., which is around 280 miles and 310 miles until light comes on. The only way your car would be running 380-400 is if it is running really lean and i don’t think that is a good thing. 240-260 sounds about right. that equates to about 24 - 26 mpg. which is exptected. if you drive all on highway you’ll get higher obvious and if you use diff gas from diff compnay you’ll get diff results also.

Originally posted by LODOSS
good god you use to get 380 - 400?? that’s kinda impossible considering even new the g2 car suppose to get 28 city, 31 highway., which is around 280 miles and 310 miles until light comes on. The only way your car would be running 380-400 is if it is running really lean and i don’t think that is a good thing. 240-260 sounds about right. that equates to about 24 - 26 mpg. which is exptected. if you drive all on highway you’ll get higher obvious and if you use diff gas from diff compnay you’ll get diff results also.

I use Mobil 89 octane. All the time. My tires are good before I had Pirelli tires now they are cheap Federal brand tires. :stuck_out_tongue: Those miles are comprise of city driving no highway whatsoever. My car is about 22-23 inches off the ground. tread wear run evenly. Did camber for the rear but not the front.

sounds about right milage