y1 tranny (with mods) , in a b16

ok, i did a search but found many pages of results, went through a bunch but nothing exactly to answer my Q.

alright, a guy by me has a “y1 cable tranny with S1 final drive, welded diff, needs new bearings ($60)”
right now i have a ys1 from an LS in it
would this fit my jdm b16a in my 92???
if so, what all would i have to do to it(any flywheel, clutch assembly’s that i would have to swap or whatnot?

yes it’ll fit your motor. however you’ll need a new 90-91 teg clutch disk for it to work. Oh, and none of the internals from your ys1 will fit into the y1…so just in case you were hoping to swap out synchros or something, you can’t do that.