whatsup everybody, I jsut bought some krylon fusion red paint(no prep, superband) that bonds to plastic… no sanding or priming needed… and a testors brand clear coat… I was just wondering how much of the tail I can paint red… Can I do the whole thing… as in, the top orange and the reverse light? or does the reverse light have to stay white?.. and also… what do you guys recommend… paint exterior of tail or interior of tail? I was thinkin’ exterior… Thanks in advance.
P.S. to mod… sorry about the ‘quick question’ thread misunderstanding in the general forum… my bad.
unless the red paint you have is transparent, then no light from turn signal or brake light will shine though and the paint will dry solid. people will not be able to see you brake or use the turn signal.
paint isn’t transparent… but it don’t look too bad… I’ma roll with it since I already did one taillight… and I only did the top band of orange and white… onto the second, got 2 coats in… one or two more and then a clear… it looks alright… like I said, i’m probably going to roll with it untill I get some paint thinner and some red translucent/transparent paint and do it over…
yea the reverse lights are supposed to still be white, but i’ve had mine redded out for awhile with no problems. but yea you should of got transparent paint. i used some brand of model paint on mine
Thanks for the tip… I’ve got some more work ahead of me… uhm…
may I ask where you got that yellow/orange sticker from? and what’s that stand for again? I heard about the green/yellow one about new drivers in jdm style… what’s that orange/yellow one stand for same thign? usdm?
You can’t paint the inside & expect any kind of quailty, as the inside has those pyramid spikes inside to reflect the light. It’ll just run into the cracks & look oogly.
I agree, your lights are toast now.
That vinyl may work, but @ $3.00 for the model paint, & like an hour of total work, why? :getsome: :manual:
The clear coat prevents peeling & fading.
That is an Ochiba badge. It’s magnetic,reflective, & comes in a set w/ a suction cup mounted one for the back window. It doesn’t mount on our rear windows that well though.
What I have now looks like some red tape on my tail lights… I was wondering though, are they really toast as in, trashed, as in gone? can’t I get all that paint off with thinner? and do it again?
That is an Ochiba badge. It’s magnetic,reflective, & comes in a set w/ a suction cup mounted one for the back window. It doesn’t mount on our rear windows that well though.
NtegraLS: I’ll think about that one… I heard about that and wanted to do it but couldn’t ever find that page again about the overlays so just did the paint thing… I think the overlays look hella clean. BUT, the lexus ones don’t look like they’ll fit the 90-93 acuras… is there a store I can run to, to purchase the overlay? or is there a larger strip of it that I can custom trim to fit my lights? thank you, back to searching.
Um, I think you could still get it off with thinner. Better try it on a small area though. A little wet sanding with fine grit and polish and it should be salvageable. Otherwise, check the classifieds
I did that to my lights and its a pain to get all the red off… but after I decided that I didn’t like the red any more. I use aircraft paint stripper to remove the red… I ended up eat up some of the plastic… at that point I had to use all the same steps in teg tips to recondition 1pc lights(on the taillights of course)… after that I open them up and removed the yellow pieces…
i think the 90-91 lights are way easier to red out since they dont have the amber to paint over. Much easier to cover white with red, than amber with red. also you dont have to mask off the vents or the reverse light. reverse light is supposed to be white but unless a cop is pissed and having a bad day they wont pull you over for it. i’ve had mine like that for prolly 4-5 months with no trouble.
Why wouldn’t you mask the vents? They’ll look all reddish brown if you don’t.
Not to mention, if you don’t mask the reverse lights, then you can’t use them properly. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to use everything my car came with, as far as function goes. If you can’t see your reverse lights, then be ready for someone else to not see them either. When that happens, BANG!!
And guess what, it’s YOUR fault if that happens, cause you modified a truly useful & functional item. Remember, it’s not all about you. Others need to see what you are doing too. No court or officer will be on your side on that one.
:getsome: :manual:
Well that does change things, in that aspect. But I do believe he was sayin just spray em w/o removing or masking said vents. Even so, I say just take the few mins it takes to mask em & go for it. but that is a great tip! Thanks DarkDB1! :getsome: :manual: