Big turbo isues!!

Just installed full turbonetics turbo kit and after i started the car i tought that the fire department was gonna come cause the whole neighborhood was covered in blue smoke :sick: any ideas??? Blown turbo seals?? Is it possible to rebuild it??

sounds like you might be right about the turbo seals. The engine wasn’t smoking before the turbo install right?

it was but never at idle only at really high rpm close to redline would blow a little blue cloud but thats about it. could it be the stupid oil return hose backing up? cause its not going straight down. it goes down than raises about an inch and then there is 90 degree angle and it goes down again to the oil pan. I kept the ac and the ps so i have very limited space under the hood :bawl:

You should really fix that oil return. It doesn’t sound too decent at all.

fixed the return hose problem still same lots and lots of blue smoke. where could i get a rebuild kit for a turbonetics ball bearing turbo???

Weak. Here you go mang:
Make sure that before you remove the compressor nut to scribe it, otherwise you’ll have to get it rebalanced

sorry to here your loss but are you using a restrictor? that can also have alot to do with it. didnt bother to ask if it was ball bearing or not but typically with ball bearing turbo’s, a restrictor is a must.

was gonna ask the same thing, this is key on a ballbearing turbo