Black one-piece projectors

im not the fan of the projectors in the day time, but at night im gonna have to hand it to u, it look nice. it almost look like the car has blue eyes or something.

Warning About Projector Lights

I have a pair of these lights, i’ve had them for 3-4 months now, and in Canada, “apparently” they are illegal!

They have to reflect yellow on the corners! If you want to install them, put like a small yellow reflector sticker on the corners of the car or something! The bumper turn signals are not enough.

I just got a ticket, not a f*cking warning, but a 148$ ticket!!! so becareful, i am looking into the damn thing to see what the hell i can do.

Code sécurité Routiere (street law) Article 215 - section 71 - PR - VA


oh calm down…that’s what, like $13.47 US?

I was talking in US funds…it’s 188$ canadian,

and i was being facetious.

why do the canuckians never understand real humor?

sorry, just seems so stupid that they would give me a ticket and not a warning for something so small.

Living in an igloo messes with your brain:shy:

laf. silly bear.

canuckians don’t live in igloos. that’s the inuits and eskimos. you know, everyone in alaska. :up:

I will build an igloo this winter and take a pic for you;)

whats really funny is when i had my sunbird i accidently drove it around for weeks without tail lights at all and the first time im driving my dad’s (now mine) nova i get pulled over and get a writen warning for a burnt out tail light the cop said i would have gotten a ticket if it was my car. that makes sence eh.

if things keep going the way they are that will be
188 canadian
200 us dolla’s

hehe :giggle:

please explain how this will happen…

Well to ALL who have the PROJECTORs. What is the light output compared to stock. Does it light up the sides of the road better?

well have you looked at the exchange rate
1 cnd collar is worth 0.834 usd and its not dropping its going up there only 16cents in the diff.

isn’t it weird how all the world’s different currencies are compared to the u.s. dollar?


by the way, last time i checked 100 - 83.4 did not equal 16.

must be that exchange rate kicking in again, EH?

roffle!! :rofl:

hey buttburglar…check your parting out thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry, I had to post… sorry for taking your smiley pronounciations.

yeah we need to talk about that. ho.

fuckin cubans…always stealin everyone else’s shit…
