Thanks X2
He’s the MAAAAN
i thought i had all the same problems on my dc2, so i checked everything over and found out that it was my realy doesnt switch in my underhood fuse box. Tried a new relay…no luck, so i just placed a jumper wire in there and now have to manually turn my fan on & off. I’m assuming that a wire must have broke or something somewhere down the line of the fuse box/through the firewall.
Also my ign free pin on the under dash fuse box stopped working all of a sudden. Everything else on the car works fine, no fuses are blown, i was running a couple things off that free pin, is it possible i may have overloaded the wire and fried it?
There is no relay for the blower motor.
Are you talking about the rad fan?
The rad fan has a relay in the engine bay, in front of batt.:whisper: 94
im outta town this weekend for the holidays and dont have the car with me, if i can find a layout of the underhood fuse box of a g3, ill clarify on what relay im talking about.
G3? 94
95 dc2 G3 blower motor relay
OIC, You will need to check the coil pins at the relay plug, one, [black lead] will be ground at all times, the other is switched 12V+, fuse 13 - 7.5A, [hot in run] in under dash fuse box. relay should switch on as soon as ign. is in run position, if not either there is not ground or no power on relays coil pins.
If fuse 13 looks/tests good check for power at the fuse when ign. is in run position.:whisper:94