CCW holster: What do you use?

man im thinking tommy oughta give me a discount on my next holster! glad you guys like them. the horsehide is supposed to be more comfortable in hot weather if youre a sweater, like me.

received my Tommy Thies holster today. Extremely comfortable, but at the moment, it seems completely unusable. Reason being, it seems as if the Kydex around the ejection port is extremely tight. If I holster the gun while wearing it, it’s not coming back out unless I can take the holster off and use a lot of force, while slightly turning the gun counterclockwise. I’m certain it’s the ejection port area, or at least something to do with the slide.

If I remove the slide and holster the frame, it goes in an out perfectly and has fair retention, about what I expected in the first place. I can turn it upside down and shake it vigorously, and the holstered frame stays put. It takes just barely more than what I’d call slight force to remove it. With the slide on, though. It’s not coming out conventionally :frowning:

Talked to Tommy on the phone. Suggested that I let the leather break in for a few more days, draw and holster 50-60 times, and see if that helps. If not, to apply a little heat to that area and get the Kydex to rise up out of shape just a little bit to give the ejection port more room. Also suggested that I put a thick white sock around the gun, holster it, and leave it over night. The additional thickness might be just enough to put a bit of a groove in the leather to loosen it up.

As far as comfort goes, it is awesome. No question. But, the Kydex on the holster is extremely tight. No conventional measures of drawing the gun are possible in it’s current state.

I can say that the sock method was extremely effective. The holster now works perfectly, and since it has been worn almost daily around the house while I was waiting for my concealed carry permit to come in, it is extremely comfortable.

My permit came in the other day, so I can put it to regular use. Feels a lot better carrying concealed, honestly. When I carried open, I would occasionally get glares and dirty looks.

I carried all day yesterday, a good 8 hours. After about 30 minutes I pretty much forgot about it, the comfort is fantastic. I’m more than happy with mine.

stop gloating.


[QUOTE=armedferret;2295491]stop gloating.

